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Court News: Infractions

List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court Dec. 23-Dec. 27, 2024:

Greene Superior Court Infractions

Amber M. Kolling, failure of occupant to use a safety belt

Sidney S. Scoville, operating with expired plates

Edmund T Miller III, speeding

Robert J. Swartzentruber, speeding

Myron L. Knepp, speeding

William A. Spradlin, operating with expired plates

Brayson A. Atwood, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Debra F. Kerr, speeding

Gregory G. Johannes, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Angela K. Snow, operating with expired plates

Travis Q. Brown, speeding

Ashlee Dawn Freeland, owner allows dog to stray beyond owners premises

Zachary D. Burger, failure of occupant to use a safety belt

Emily Petit, operating with expired plates

Devyn Thomas, speeding

Brooks J. Combs, disregarding an official traffic control device

Sarah M. Hall, driving while suspended

Anna R. Hilty, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Tiffany A. Sexton, failure of occupant to use a safety belt

Rebecca S. Furlong, speeding

Wade Davenport, driving while suspended, operating a motor vehicle without financial responsibility

Viola F. Lapp, speeding

Chad Edward Marvin, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Stanley G. Gress, speeding

Breanna S. Pate, speeding

William G. Jesseph, speeding

Amy L. Bowers, no valid driver’s license

Bryant S. Tranbaugh, speeding

Jonathan J. Adams, no valid driver’s license

Michael R. Sharkey, II, speeding