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Court News: Infractions

List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court Dec. 2-Dec. 13, 2024:

Greene Superior Court Infractions

Nicholas D. Huff, improper driving on left side of roadway—drive on left when approaching hill or curve

Joshua A. Jones, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Cassandra W. Winters, speeding

Steven Tyler Helms, speeding

Ashley L. Pineda, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Birmel A. Lott, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Chelsea S. Lee Beesley, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Ronald Robert, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Serge Y. Yusufov, driving while suspended

Doris E. Sexton, driving while suspended

Cynthia A. Rotman, speeding

Ciarra Shalane Johnson, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Kylie R. McKibben, speeding

Garrett J. Sarchet, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Trent K. May, speeding

Crystyn L. Steele, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Heather E. Talbott, speeding

Kaden Marsh, speeding, disregarding stop sign

Jamie D. Boatright, no valid driver’s license

Dylan Ray Sherman, speeding

Stacey C. Knight, speeding

Junior Adrasse, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Dylan R. Sherman, driving the wrong way on posted one-way roadway

Samantha R. Brooks, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Allyssa C. McCammon, speeding

Clint D. Babrick, speeding—exceeding maximum 55 MPH

Tyler J. Naas, speeding

Alexis B. Douglas, speeding

Vanessa A. Gelarden, speeding

Craig D. Himsel, speeding

Francisco Joel Flores Lopez, no valid driver’s license

Aspen M. Robbins, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Harold J. Waddell, speeding—exceeding Interstate 70 MPH limit

Trevor D. Raber, speeding

Anthony W. Vanalstine, speeding

William Payton, Jr., speeding in school zone

Brandon Puckett, operating with expired plates

William M. Jones, failure of occupant to use a safety belt