Court News: Infractions
List of all speeding tickets and other infractions filed in Greene Superior Court, December 29, 2019 – January 4, 2020:
Greene Superior Court, Infractions
Alexis Jean Graves, speeding
Evan Michael Olinger, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Tonya Sue Brattain, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Kristy M. Armstrong, speeding
Michael Lee Oakley, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
James R. Gibson Jr., operating a motor vehicle without financial responsibility, operating a motor vehicle with a false plate – plate belongs to another vehicle, driving while suspended, operating with expired plates
Chelsea R. Vanwinkle, speeding – exceeding maximum 55 mph
Harmanpreet Singh, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Tyrone Douglas Ramey, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Ian Scott Pettigrew, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Autumn M. Hall, speeding
John Elmo Hall, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
David A. Burks, driving while suspended
Aaron Jacob Whitaker, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Jacob G. Pittman, speeding
Jonathan David Schacht, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Megan Josette Hines, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Joseph Patashinsky, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit
Kolton Michael Harvey, speeding – exceeding interstate 70 mph limit